A Pageant Queen Reflects on Turning 30

Allure Magazine article written by Cheslie Kryst showcases the devastating effects of being unaware. Human Design reveals to us that a mutation took place in 1781. Prior to 1781, we were Saturnian, meaning we had an average 30 year life span. Saturn roughly takes 28 years to orbit the Sun. Everyone born on this planet since March 13, 1781 are designed to live out a Uranian Pattern (orbit of 84 years). Our minds are stuck in an old pattern, even though we have Uranian bodies. This dilemma is truly demonstrated in a very public way with the tragedy of Cheslie Kryst’s suicide, who believed there was nothing more to live for past 30.

We do experience a type of death around 30 years old, when the first Saturn cycle is completed. This marks a phase completion. We are designed to be aware that as Uranian beings, our life cycle actually has three phases, 0-30, 30-50, 50 onward. At 30, we finish what used to be the end game. now, at 30, we are designed to embrace the next phase of our Uranian biology. Being stuck mentally in the old pattern results in tragedies demonstrated by Cheslie Kryst. She had accomplished so much by the age of 30, that her perception of where she was at that point, to her, what more is there? This mental limitation we all live with combined with specifics in her design was perhaps the recipe. Outwardly, her family, friends and colleagues saw no warning signs. With our current perceptions of the way life is lived, there may be no warnings for a Saturn mind and attitude. Looking through a Uranian lens, the potential to see the truth of where we are in the journey of life would provide a proper way to be aligned. The mental anxiety that many suffer may be seen for what it really is, not us.

“At 28, Cheslie Kryst made history as the oldest Miss USA champion in the pageant's 68-year history, giving her a unique perspective on the (often damaging) link between youth and accomplishment. In this essay, the attorney and Emmy Award-nominated television correspondent reflects on her journey to overcoming the relentless pressure to achieve — and how she found fulfillment and purpose in herself.”

When the first Saturn cycle is so full of accomplishment, it may seem that life has nothing more to offer. Since our mind prefers to be certain of future outcomes, it may have been too much for Kryst to imagine what else there was for her to achieve. This is just one of many such stories that could have perhaps been prevented with HD.